How Abutments Are Key to Dental Implants at Tukwila, WA

The dental implants in Tukwila, WA are quickly becoming the go-to choice for patients to replace missing teeth instead of using dentures, partials, or bridges. Public knowledge about dental implants has increased over the years, but there is still one part of the implant that many people remain largely unaware of – abutments. In this blog post, we are going to explore abutments – what they are, why they matter, and the types of them for people who reside in Tukwila, WA when it comes to dental implants.

What is an Abutment?

The abutment is the piece that connects your new porcelain crown to a post in the jawbone. It provides a link between the implant and the eventual restoration, giving your teeth stability and security. The importance of the abutment in proper long-term dental implant function

The Importance of Abutments

Abutments are important to the dental implant process for a few reasons:

  • Support and Stability: To function properly like natural teeth, dental crowns or other prosthetics used with implants must be firmly attached to the implant.
  • Aesthetic Integration: Well-fabricated and positioned abutments allow for an effective joining of the restoration to surrounding teeth, smile line, and gingiva.
  • Even Load Distribution: Abutments distribute the biting and chewing forces uniformly throughout the implant; favoring overloading of a particular region and this avoids possible failure of the implantation.
  • Customization: Abutment can be perfectly tailored to the individual anatomy of a patient’s mouth fit for an exact and comfortable restoration.

Types of Abutments


Different types of abutments can be used in dental implant procedures with each having its place on the basis and needs of individual patients as well as specifics of their treatment plan:

Standard Abutments: They are stock abutment that comes in different sizes and shapes. These are typically used for simple one-off cases that require little to no customization.

Custom abutments: These types of abutments are designed specifically for each patient and as such provide a more accurate fit of the implant which then results in a more aesthetically sufficient appearance. These abutments are fabricated using digital impressions and state-of-the-art CAD/CAM technology.

Angled Abutments: Angled abutments are used when the implant must be placed at an angle (because of bone constraints or other anatomical reasons). They also aid in obtaining correct alignment and support for the final restoration.

Temporary Abutment: These abutments are employed in the healing phase after implant placement. This serves as a temporary solution for when the permanent abutment and restoration are being made.

Healing abutments are used to shape the gum tissue around the implant site, allowing it to heal properly and establishing a soft-tissue emergence profile that mimics what nature has provided for us.

An abutment in dental implants is a very classic topic that everyone should know about if one is thinking of getting dental implant treatment in Tukwila, WA. Thus abutments become a very important component of the treatment process not just due to their stabilizing role but also because they affect functioning and esthetics. Unique abutment design for tooth replacement in Tukwila and improving the outlook of a patient with such an implant has become easy due to advancements both in material use and technology applied, making patients experience improved results reflecting a brighter smile. If you are thinking about getting dental implants, contact an experienced dentist in Tukwila to discuss your options for abutments and how they can supplement your care and further support oral health.

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