Explaining Dental Root Planning: A General Dentist’s Perspective

Welcome to a new post from Harvard University Health Blog. Today, we will dive into the depths of dental health. We will shed light on a procedure called ‘dental root planning’ from a general dentist’s perspective. It is a common treatment in dental practices such as Austin Implants. This post aims to simplify the procedure, making it easy to understand for all. So, let’s dive right in.

What is Dental Root Planning?

Root planning is a treatment method to clean under the gum line, remove plaque and tartar, and smooth the roots of the teeth. Dentists use it to prevent or treat gum diseases.

Why is it Important?

Dental root planning can prevent serious dental issues. It targets problems that are hiding beneath the surface. These can lead to pain, tooth loss, and other health problems. It’s like cleaning the foundation of a house – necessary to keep the entire structure strong.

The Process of Dental Root Planning

Root planning involves numbing the gums and teeth for comfort. Then, the dentist uses special tools to clean beneath the gum line. This table shows a simple step-by-step process:

1 Numbing the gums and teeth
2 Cleaning beneath the gum line
3 Removing plaque and tartar
4 Smoothing the roots of the teeth

When is Dental Root Planning Necessary?

Root planning is needed when gums have started to pull away from the teeth or when the roots of the teeth have tartar on them. A general dentist can determine this during an exam.


Root planning is an effective treatment for preventing and treating gum diseases. It contributes to overall dental health. We hope this post has helped demystify what root planning is and why it is often necessary. Always remember, prevention is better than cure!

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